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My Works



Curriculum Planning Document

Rather than create a hypothetical course, I chose to create a curriculum that could be used in the Auburn MBA Program. Taking feedback from previous presentations, I created a course that would allow MBA students to perfect their public speaking skills, titled, "Presentation Skills in the Business Environment." To view this document, click here or at the picture to the right.

Student Research Presentation

Prisoner Education is a hot topic in the field of adult education. In my Teaching the Disadvantage Adult course, this special population of student was the focus of a group project. Each person has their own opinion about education prisoners. Our group came together to showcase the opportunities avaiable to these students. To view this presentation, click here or at the picture to the left.

Educational Resource

I created a webinar for one of our MBA corporate partners, The Athlete Network, to highlight how graduate students can work on campus and earn a tuition waiver as well as pay. The best way to attend grad school is to have someone else pay for it, so my goal was to help these students learn how to achieve an assistantship. To view this webinar, click here or at the picture to the right.

AAACE Conference Presentation

In November 2015 I submitted a proposal to the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) annual conference in Oklahoma City. Fellow Phd student, Joel Hughes, and I were selected to present "Walk this Way: Implementing 3rd Party Leadership Development in Graduate Management Education". This presentation was an overview of experiential learning as well as a case study of the Auburn MBA iLEAD program. Please click on the picture to the left to learn more. 

The Graduate Teaching Certificate

In the spring 2016, I took the Professoriate course with Dr. Jim Groccia. This course sets out to debunk any myths about what it means to be a college professor. This is a very lively and vocal course with many points to debate. The process of tenure, working hours, roles, time off, etc. are all discussed in this full semester course. For me, this course also was one of the final components to me earning the Graduate Teaching Certificate. This credential within a credential is a wonderful way to add badges and certifications for further development and growth. It’s a good feeling to earn a designation on your way to a PhD!

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